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$20,000 Members Badge Draw

Every Friday

Wow imagine winning $20,000!

Our $20,000 Members Badge Draw IS GETTING CLOSE TO THE BIG $20,000 and this week it's at $17,000!

Every Friday from 7pm be here for your chance to WIN cash. The Badge Draw will start at $5,000 and jackpot weekly by $1,000 if not won until it reaches $20,000 when it MUST BE WON!

There will also be a guaranteed weekly Second Chance Draw with 2 x $100 in Club Points to be WON! To be in with a chance to WIN the Club Points just simply spend $10 every Friday between 5pm and 7pm while the Members Badge Draw will be from the entire member data base.

So the place to be on Friday night is the ExServos! Come and enjoy Friday drinks, dinner and Meat Raffles and give yourself a chance to Win serious cash or Club Points!

T&C's available at Reception.

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